... He was very, very tenaciously committed to the spiritual call and to following it through to its conclusion. Bruce ... intervention, what would happen actually electrostatically in the mirror as well as physiologically when we would read more...

... proactively working out my passion there. And John Fetzer called me, and what was interesting about that is, he didn't ... conjunction with the foundation. And so I was learning basically the broadcasting business from the ground up because if read more...

... and radio company, Fetzer Broadcasting. Bruce joined the so-called Monday Night Group in 1982, and was personally mentored ... and the becoming a minister in MSIA (an organization called “Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness,” which taught the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... came from John when he perceived and then responded to a call from Spirit to help uplift humanity, and the special ... developing insight and a way of being able to attune to the call from Spirit going forward. John felt that he didn't want to read more...

... depth and it must be understood. You’re going to find practically in the whole history of my life that I’ve been searching ... search is the human vocation. It is what human beings are called to. Consciously or unconsciously, implicitly explicitly, read more...

Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... of transforming the consciousness of the world just really call—has called to me in ever-deepening ways. And, the longer I ... And for me the work at the Fetzer Institute that John called me to was very unclear in the beginning, but I couldn't read more...

... – Helping to usher in the “New Age” LL – His response to a call from Spirit. This is captured in the mission statement. MG ... to show the reality of the actual existence of the so-called “other side” or spiritual world and that “said world” is read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... and radio company, Fetzer Broadcasting. Bruce joined the so-called John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page 2 of 43 ... and the becoming a minister in MSIA (an organization called “Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness,” which taught the read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... and radio company, Fetzer Broadcasting. Bruce joined the so-called John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page 2 of 43 ... and the becoming a minister in MSIA (an organization called “Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness,” which taught the read more...