... … ‘80’s to study the ​Course in Miracles​ and to discuss esoteric spirituality. It was this group that gave birth to the idea ... culture for the exploration pioneering research in esoteric and scientific subjects that are not ready for mainstream read more...

Category: Trust Histories
(05) Board Governance Draft November 24, 2003

... that the mix of individuals, when engaged would produce an esoteric, but vital service. As in parts of a body, each trustee ... per year on these activities. 5) To explore directly, the esoteric purposes of what the founder, John E. Fetzer described as read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... but the truth of the matter is that this is quite esoteric in its concept. People who are cut out of the norm pattern ... perhaps, but it is a kind of a goal. It is a kind of an esoteric aspect to this that does suggest that this building not be read more...

... what we said about - - - when Janis was asked about esoteric, she pointed immediately here inside there. So when ... institutionalized and to be really interested in the esoteric aspect is—have a foundation for that that is helping to, read more...

... traditions including Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, esoteric Freemasonry, Theosophy, and the mind-over-matter teachings read more...

... In other words, Tesla, who was not in any formal sense an esotericist or occultist, was willing to seek wisdom wherever he ... his scientific and spiritual vocation as his own, intimate, esoteric quest. 10. The Seventh or Last Call: Grit Though other read more...

Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... the … ‘80’s to study the Course in Miracles and to discuss esoteric spirituality. It was this group that gave birth to the idea ... culture for the exploration pioneering research in esoteric and scientific subjects that are not ready for mainstream read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... the … ‘80’s to study the Course in Miracles and to discuss esoteric spirituality. It was this group that gave birth to the idea ... culture for the exploration pioneering research in esoteric and scientific subjects that are not ready for mainstream read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... Age of the Archangel Michael; or as John described in less esoteric terms, the Age of Freedom of Spirit.” 2 Again, there is no ... creating both the Institute and the Trust arose from his esoteric and spiritual understanding of history. It is fascinating read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... years. MG – John E. Fetzer was very concerned that his esoteric, spiritual basis and mission of the Institute/Foundation ... and a deep personal belief in the sacred and important esote